Evaluation of the impact of the support to Karibu Tanzania Organization in the Education Sector

Final Report

  • År: 2023

  • Publikationstyp: Decentraliserad utvärdering

  • Författare: Dolf Noppen, Magreth Henjewele, Tore Laugerud


Karibu Tanzania Organization (KTO) is a Tanzanian NGO working as an umbrella organization for 54 Folk Development Colleges
(FDCs), which offer vocational education and lifelong learning and contribute to social and economic development in local
communities. The evaluation should serve as input to the Swedish Embassy/Sida and KTO for planning of a possible new phase with
Sida funding to KTO. The evaluation was mainly qualitative with analysis based on interviews with KTO, ministries, and FDC teaching
staff and students in 19 FDCs. The evaluation concluded that both the Sida support to KTO and the KTO support to the FDCs are
largely relevant. The operations of KTO are efficient, adapting to the available funding. The three FDC programmes supported meet
the need of the students, giving opportunities for further education for young females dropping out of the ordinary school system.
FDC students report increased self-esteem, confidence and hopes for the future. The vocational FDC studies increase possibilities
for post-college income-generation. KTO operations are not sustainable today with Sida as the main funder. It is recommended that
Sida gives core funding in a possible next support phase. KTO is however advised against spreading activities too wide, but rather
consolidate efforts. KTO must strengthen the fundraising capacity in the staffing and boost efforts in diversifying the donor base.

Ladda ned publikation

  • Tematik: JämställdhetUtbildning och forskning

  • Geografiskt område: Tanzania

  • Språk: Engelska

  • Publikationsnummer: 2023:1