Gender Equality

Mainstreaming gender equality and women’s and girls’ empowerment

  • År: 2024

  • Publikationstyp: Portföljöversikt

  • Författare: Sida


Gender equality is a human right, a prerequisite and driver for poverty reduction
and sustainable development. Gender equality is achieved when women and
men, girls and boys and non-binary persons have equal rights, life prospects and
opportunities, and the same power to shape their own lives and contribute
to society. As one of the main thematic priorities for Swedish development
cooperation, a gender equality perspective shall permeate all of Sida’s work, at all
levels and at all stages throughout preparation, implementation, monitoring and
evaluation. Sida applies a gender transformative approach which seeks to change
unequal power relations through tackling the root causes of gender inequality.

Ladda ned publikation

  • Tematik: Jämställdhet

  • Geografiskt område: Global

  • Språk: Engelska