Evaluation of Sida’s Support to Education

Lessons Learned from 20 Years and Five Countries, Final Report

  • År: 2022

  • Publikationstyp: Central utvärdering

  • Författare: Ananda S. Millard, Anka Kitunzi, Kenny Manara, Loeurt To, Matti Tedre, May Pettigrew, Meghna Guhathakurta, Pilar Uriona, Suzana Zivkovic


This report examines experiences related to the support provided by Sida to the education sector over the last 20 years (2001–2020), with a specific focus on four key evaluation questions: (1) Has Sida’s support to education generated high-level positive or negative, intended or unintended, effects (impact)? (2) Which groups living in poverty have been affected by Sida’s support to education, and in what ways (here, particular attention will be paid to marginalized and vulnerable groups) (impact)? (3) What factors have constituted conditions for sustainable and resilient results from Sida’s support to education (sustainability)? (4) Has Sida’s support to education helped education provision in partner countries live up to the demands of gender equality and fundamental human rights, and to what extent have other stakeholders in the education sectors of those countries taken on gender equality and human rights (sustainability)? The report draws on data collected from and on Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Bolivia, Cambodia, Tanzania and globally. The evaluation found that Sida has contributed to expanding the access to education, and has, in certain instances, supported access to quality education, specifically for specific marginalised and vulnerable groups. Sida has also contributed to expanding the access to education for girls. The evaluation also found that ensuring a good quality education is delivered is challenging, complex, and central to ensuring that support to education is sustainable and has an impact on reducing multidimensional poverty and increasing gender equality.

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  • Tematik: Utbildning och forskning

  • Geografiskt område: Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Bolivia, Kambodja, Tanzania

  • Språk: Engelska

  • Publikationsnummer: 2022:3a