Inclusive Education – Ensuring the right to education for children with disabilities

Thematic Support Unit

  • År: 2024

  • Publikationstyp: Tematisk analys

  • Författare: Sida


Education is a fundamental human right and
a key to escaping poverty, but despite global
progress millions of children are still out of
school. Children with disabilities are particularly
vulnerable to exclusion from education.
Availability of disability data is a challenge, but
UNICEF estimates that there are nearly 240
million children with disabilities in the world.
Compared to their peers, children with disabilities
are 49 per cent more likely to have never
attended school.

Ladda ned publikation

  • Tematik: Demokrati och mänskliga rättigheterUtbildning och forskning

  • Geografiskt område: Global

  • Språk: Engelska