Democracy and Human Rights


  • År: 2024

  • Publikationstyp: Portföljöversikt

  • Författare: Sida


Democratic change and improved respect for human rights are essential for people
living in poverty and under oppression, by enabling them to influence their living
conditions and hold governments accountable. Only one third of the world’s population
is today living under such conditions. In recent years a trend towards more authoritarian
forms of governance has been seen globally. Sida contributes to the protection of
democracy and continued democratisation through its programmes and projects in the
thematic area of Democracy and Human Rights, which amounted to SEK 6.4 billion in 2023.
This makes democracy and human rights Sida’s largest thematic area, equivalent
to approximately 26 percent of Sida’s total disbursements.

Ladda ned publikation

  • Tematik: Demokrati och mänskliga rättigheter

  • Geografiskt område: Global

  • Språk: Engelska