Evaluation of the Driving Sustainable Change for Children’s Rights in Zambia Project

Final Report June 2024

  • År: 2024

  • Publikationstyp: Decentraliserad utvärdering

  • Författare: Åsa Königson, Gabriella Olofsson, Mpala Nkonkomalimba


This report presents an evaluation of Save the Children Zambia’s Driving Sustainable Change in Children’s Rights in Zambia project
funded by Sida/the Swedish Embassy from 2020 to 2023. It is intended to assess the project achievements, outcomes, and
sustainability, and provide insights for stakeholders. The Evaluation Team found that the DSCCR project is successful in enhancing
children’s and communities’ influence on duty bearers and improving service delivery. It effectively promotes child participation and
generates community-wide benefits, particularly in rural areas. However, the following concerns were pointed out: parallel
implementation affecting synergy, financial challenges impacting efficiency, and insufficient focus on vulnerable groups and gender
mainstreaming. The evaluators recommend that SCZ address implementation synergies, financial management, and enhance
technical capacity for gender mainstreaming. Additionally, they urge SCZ to prioritize the inclusion of vulnerable groups and
strengthen efforts in gender mainstreaming.

Ladda ned publikation

  • Tematik: Demokrati och mänskliga rättigheter

  • Geografiskt område: Zambia

  • Språk: Engelska