Evaluation of the Capacity Development Programme “Strengthened Institutions for Sustainable Climate” (SISC)

Sida Decentralised Evaluation 2024:15

  • År: 2024

  • Publikationstyp: Decentraliserad utvärdering

  • Författare: Björn Ternström, Nathaniel Mjema


This report presents an evaluation of the Capacity Development Programme “Strengthened Institutions for Sustainable Climate”
(SISC). A programme funded by Sida for the period 2018-2024 and implemented in Ethiopia, Kenya, Moçambique, Rwanda, Uganda
and Zimbabwe. The evaluated programme is contribution #11786 Climate Change and Sustainable Cities (also known as
Strengthened Institutions for a Sustainable Climate (SISC)). The purpose of the assignment was to evaluate the innovative approach
used by the implementing partners and the internal cooperation between the implementing partners engaged in the programme, the
effectiveness of the cooperation, and to identify key lessons learned and recommendations for a potential future phase. The
evaluation concludes that while the intervention was a single programme in terms of budget and administrative structure, it can
better be described as a range of projects and processes loosely clustered into two sub-programmes. Recommendations from the
evaluators include continued support to capacity development programming, but fewer participating agencies, coordinated by a clear
lead agency and with continued conceptual development of the methodology.

Ladda ned publikation

  • Tematik: Miljö och klimat

  • Geografiskt område: Etiopien, Kenya, Mocambique, Rwanda, Uganda, Zimbabwe

  • Språk: Engelska