
Every person has the right to health

  • Year: 2024

  • Publication type: Portfolio overview

  • Author: Sida


Investments in health are critical to achieving the Sustainable Development Goals
(SDGs) and to fulfilling the global commitments of Agenda 2030, in particular
SDG 3: Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages. Health is a
priority for the Swedish Government and Sida. Many global health challenges are
linked to inequalities between men and women, most notably sexual and reproductive
health and rights (SRHR), but there are also large inequities between and
within countries. In 2023, Sida disbursed approximately SEK 2.5 billion for global,
regional and country level programs on health, including SRHR, which represents
about eight percent of Sida’s total development assistance.

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  • Topic: Health

  • Geographic area: Global

  • Language: English