Final Strengthening of Safe MR and Family Planning Services and Reduction of Unsafe Abortions for Improving SRHR Situation in Bangladesh (Safe Menstrual Regulation (MR) programme)

Final Report June 2024

  • Year: 2024

  • Publication type: Decentralised evaluation

  • Author: Tasnia Ahmed, Tom Mogeni


This report presents an evaluation of the Strengthening of Safe MR and Family Planning services and Reduction of Unsafe Abortions
for Improving SRHR Situation in Bangladesh (Safe MR programme) from 2017 to 2022. It aims to assess the programme’s alignment
with Sida’s SRHR priorities, effectiveness, efficiency, sustainability, and gender integration. The evaluation found the programme
relevant to SRHR needs but lacking clear approaches for marginalized groups. It identified effective training initiatives and early
stages of gender integration, but sustainability remains a concern without a financial plan. The team identified concerns that include
inadequate staffing, limited outreach to marginalized groups, and sustainability challenges. The report recommends scaling up
community interventions, strengthening gender integration, improving advocacy strategies, enhancing staffing, developing a
financial sustainability plan, and investing in research and organizational development for sustainability.

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  • Topic: Health

  • Geographic area: Bangladesh

  • Language: English