Apply for financial support from Sida

Are you interested in cooperating with Sida and have an idea for a possible development project? Here you can find out where to turn for guidance.

Who can apply for financial support from Sida?

Sida works on assignment from the Swedish government. If your organisation wants to apply for funding from Sida, your work must contribute to the objectives of one of the strategies adopted by the Swedish government. There must also be funds available within a relevant strategy.

The first step is to contact Sida for guidance on the possibilities of cooperating with us.

Please note that Sida cooperates with organisations, public agencies, businesses and other legal entities. Private individuals cannot apply for funding from Sida.

Where do I turn for guidance?

Who you should contact depends on the relationship your organisation has with Sida as well as the type of development actor you represent.

My organisation has ongoing cooperation with Sida

My organisation does NOT have ongoing cooperation with Sida

We are normally unable to accept spontaneous applications. Please contact Sida to find out whether you may submit an application. You may turn to:

Participate in procurements or calls for proposals

Sida sometimes organises calls for proposals or procurements to find new cooperation partners. The requirements that you must fulfil are set out in the specific procurement or call.

How Sida decides on which projects to fund

The strategies and strategy objectives set by the government are broad and Sida is responsible for operationalising them. This means that Sida determines what kind of changes are needed to achieve the strategy objectives. We also plan for how the work will be implemented and followed up.

The contribution should fit into the overall picture

Based on the plan set through the operationalisation, Sida decides on a number of contributions, which together contribute to the various objectives of the strategy. Contribution is the term used by Sida for the programmes and projects that we support.

Before Sida decides to support a specific contribution, we assess whether it is relevant in relation to the strategy. We also assess how each individual project complements those that are already in the portfolio.

Once Sida has identified the need for a new contribution, Sida will:

When Sida has identified a potential partner organisation, Sida makes an assessment of:

This process is called appraisal. Read more about the appraisal process at How a project is created.

Updated: April 4, 2024