What Works?

To promote productive employment and poverty reduction

  • Year: 2022

  • Publication type: Thematic analysis

  • Author: Hugo De Geer Wikner, Simona Koria


This report seeks to answer the question ‘what works to improve productive employment opportunities and hence reduce poverty’? This question is purposefully broad, as employment-targeted interventions often tackle a wide range of outcomes: the  supply of labour that focus on marketable skills and equal access to productive assets; and the demand for labour that focus on promoting entrepreneurship, business development, and market access. For the demand and supply to meet, some interventions target the functioning of the labour market, available information, as well as labour regulation to ensure decent working conditions. The common goal for all employment programming is still to enable people to exercise their agency and to contribute to poverty reduction by ensuring sufficient income-generating opportunities that enable people to lift themselves and their families sustainably out of poverty.

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  • Topic: Democracy and human rightsEconomic developmentPoverty

  • Geographic area: Global

  • Language: English