Learning Evaluation of the Gender Approach of Olof Palmes Internationella Center

Final Report March 2023

  • Year: 2024

  • Publication type: Decentralised evaluation

  • Author: Dana Peebles, Greg Moran, Marion Baumgart dos Santos, Mirela Jonuzaj


This Learning Evaluation of the Gender Approach of Olof Palmes Internationella Center (‘the Center’) was commissioned by the
Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency’s Civil Society Unit (Sida CIVSAM) and conducted from December 2022 to
March 2024. Although room for improvement was found, the Center’s support to gender equality and mainstreaming, in line with its
self-identification as a feminist organisation, was found to be largely relevant to the needs of its partner organisations and the
constituencies they serve. Internal coherence within Sida is good, and external coherence with the work of other civil society
organisations and development partners was found in sampled countries. Examples of results and outcomes and higher-level impact
were also found in sampled countries, with contributions to transformative change noted at country level. Such contributions could be
enhanced though with stronger and clearer systems, structures and routines applied during project design and implementation. The
Center’s approach of providing individual capacity building and supporting organisational development has led to benefits that can be
expected to be sustainable.

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  • Topic: Democracy and human rightsGender equality

  • Geographic area: Global, Albania, Namibia, Serbia, South Africa

  • Language: English