Expression of interest for humanitarian partnership planned for September 2024

In September 2024, Sida is planning to launch a call for expressions of interest for humanitarian partnership with Sida. The call will be open to international non-governmental organisations, the Red Cross and Red Crescent movement, and UN multilateral organisations.

Please note that the call for expression of interest has been postponed from August, 2024. New partnerships are still expected to enter into force in 2026. This page will be updated regularly, including frequently asked questions.

Call opens in September 2024

Sida's humanitarian aid is guided by the Swedish government's strategy for Sweden's humanitarian aid through Sida. To implement the strategy, Sida has multi-year agreements with humanitarian organisations. These organisations – Sida's humanitarian strategic partners – receive funds, based on an annual allocation, to implement humanitarian operations that meet people's urgent humanitarian needs.

Sida’s current humanitarian aid strategy extends until 2025.

The purpose of the call

The purpose of the upcoming call of expression is to identify organisations that effectively can implement Sweden's humanitarian assistance through Sida for people in crises during the upcoming strategy period. The next agreement period is expected to start in 2026.

The call for expression of interest will be open to international organisations that work operationally with the delivery of humanitarian assistance and protection. Partnerships with organisations working to provide support to, or coordination of, humanitarian organisations are not covered by this selection process.

For organisations that are part of a federation, consortium or a network, Sida will welcome a single application from one lead entity. If the application is successful, the final contractual partnership modality, including which entity in the federation/consortium/network with which Sida would sign the agreement, will be assessed and determined at the final stage of the selection process.

Timeline of the process

Please note that the timeline below might change. The process, as well as the conditions for how organisations within the application are weighted against each other, may also be altered depending on instructions from the Swedish government, including the finalisation of the new Humanitarian Strategy.

Preliminary timeline

Need more information?

This page will be updated regularly including frequently asked questions. If you have any questions, please contact Sida:

Current humanitarian strategic partners

Sida's humanitarian support is distributed between civil society organisations, UN organisations, the Swedish Civil Contingencies Agency (MSB) and the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC).
The organisations currently receiving support:

Updated: August 28, 2024