Review of Ratmalana/Moratuwa and Ja-Ela/Ekala

Final Report

  • Year: 2018

  • Publication type: Sida Decentralised Evaluation

  • Author: Åke Nilsson, Arumugham P.K., Kusum Athukorala, Nalin Wikramanayake


This report presents the findings, conclusions, lessons learned and recommendations of a review of the Ratmalana/Moratuwa andJa-Ela/Ekala Wastewater Disposal Project, implemented by the National Water Supply and Drainage Board (NWSDB), Sri Lanka,supported by Swedish loan and grant financing through the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (Sida).The project, which was implemented during 2008 – 2016, aimed at improving the environmental conditions in two areas on theoutskirts of Colombo and mitigating pollution by providing a full-fledged wastewater system comprising of sewerage, pumping,treatment and safe disposal of treated effluent and sludge, which would enhance the living conditions of the people living in the areasas well as sustain industrial development.The review finds that the project has been successful in achieving all its agreed results at output and outcome level and thesustainability of the project results is considered high. However, there are several issues that have limited the efficiency of the project,including serious delays caused by deficiencies in planning, contractor’s inefficiency and bankruptcy, public protest and use ofdefective material by the contractor.

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  • Language: English

  • Publication number: 2018:30