Annual report 2017

Annual report 2017

  • Year: 2018


In 2017, Sida has received 262 reports of corruption or irregularities, which is the highest figure since statistics began being compiled in 2007. In 2017, Sida has made request for repayment in 108 cases totalling an amount of approximately SEK 44 million.The investigaton group's assessment is that the significant increase in reported suspicions is due to a greater awareness of what should be reported and how it should be reported. The major increase in the number of reports for 2017 is mainly due to an increase in the number of reports for 2017 is mainly due to an increase in Sida's partners sharing information with Sida.Sida places great importance on partners working actively to counteract corruption, that they continously inform Sida of suspicions of corruption and that they demonstrate a capacity to handle cases of corruption, which is stated in Sida's agreements.Generally, Sida also considers it very important that agreement partners continously develop and adapt monitoring methods based on experience and lessons learned in order to prevent similar incidents from reoccurring.

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  • Language: English